The 2nd £5app xmas special

Well whilst I've been ill it looks like Ian has been on an organizing rampage. So as well as Aleks talking about Spaceship! we've also got several shorter talks/demos on:

  • Labs with mobile-phone based lightsabers (bluetooth+accelerometers)
  • Dominic Mason with a 3D iPhone game
  • Seb with Flash 3D Xmas games
  • Emily with fighting mini-Sumo robots
  • [STRIKEOUT:Tristan] Ben Rubinstein with "eye-pong"

Plus from the flurry of other emails appearing it looks like there are quite a few other possibilities for the £5app meet next year too. Excellent work Ian!

The xmas (gaming) special is at the Werks* on the 10th of December, so don't forget to signup on upcoming.

* If you are feeling charitable perhaps consider donating a little to the Werks projector fund.