chrss code coverage

I've generally speaking been a fairly good boy when it comes to writing unit tests for chrss, but I know I haven't covered everything. Most of the focus has been on the underlying chess module, so I thought I'd best have a look and see what my actual unit test code coverage was like (i.e. how much of the code is actually getting run during tests).

Nosetests has a handy --with-coverage option, that requires installing, for just this problem.


nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=chrss --cover-erase

Then gives me the following output:

Name                     Stmts   Exec  Cover   Missing
chrss                        0      0   100%
chrss.chess2               578    549    94%   69, 260, 274, 281-286, 302, 340, 343-344, 347, 349, 351, 365, 367, 371, 382-384, 387, 389, 391, 680, 886, 918, 921, 939
chrss.config                 0      0   100%
chrss.controllers          504    232    46%   35-36, 39, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 186, 195, 197, 210-237, 248-257, 261-266, 271-277, 282-290, 296-301, 307-311, 316-323, 330, 341-346, 352-380, 428, 435, 462, 478-479, 482-494, 498, 508, 512, 516, 520, 524, 529-531, 537-553, 558-566, 593, 601, 606-618, 627, 630, 636-637, 644-648, 652-678, 683-685, 690, 694-710, 714-739, 744-755, 758-760, 763-776, 779-798
chrss.model                325    228    70%   66, 68, 75, 82, 84, 91, 94, 101, 106, 115, 131-133, 136-142, 160, 164, 170-179, 187, 191-198, 207, 209, 222-224, 228, 231, 237, 245-265, 308-310, 326-335, 338-339, 354-355, 427-436, 439-442, 445-446, 455, 458-461                  31      0     0%   1-43
chrss.rss                   86     50    58%   14, 18, 48-58, 67, 81-91, 95-105
chrss.templates              0      0   100%
chrss.templates.master     305    236    77%   28-29, 43, 61-65, 79, 107, 135, 148, 217, 226-249, 268, 295, 321, 346, 357, 409-430, 444-447, 453, 509-510
chrss.urls                  34      0     0%   1-57
chrss.widgets              131    115    87%   7-11, 61, 68, 109-114, 147-148, 158
TOTAL                     1994   1410    70%

So overall I am (apparently) managing 70% coverage and the core chrss.chess2 module has 94% coverages. Not too bad I suppose. However I could do better and there are some notable gaps. In particular chrss.controllers only has 46% coverage and that represents some fairly important code for the whole site.

I've held of writing tests for some of the controller functions, as they involve sending email (signups, resetting passwords etc). I'll have to write some sort of email mock class for that purpose, but it will be worth it as I can then be more certain things are working as they are intended.