Articles tagged with Python

chrss code coverage

By john

I've generally speaking been a fairly good boy when it comes to writing unit tests for chrss, but I know I haven't covered everything. Most of the focus has been on the underlying chess module, so I thought I'd best have a look and see what my actual unit test …

£5app blog

By john

Just upgraded the £5app site to include a blog. Pretty easy to throw together using Django. It'll need some refining, but the site is proving to be a nice easy way to get familiar with Django.

Generic views (in particular the date views) helped a lot. Also managed to figure …

Tackling the travelling salesman problem: hill-climbing

By john

This is the second part in my series on the "travelling salesman problem" (TSP). Part one covered defining the TSP and utility code that will be used for the various optimisation algorithms I shall discuss.

solution landscapes

A common way to visualise searching for solutions in an optimisation problem, such …

Tackling the travelling salesman problem: introduction

By john

This is the first part in my series on the “travelling salesman problem” (TSP). An outline of what I plan to cover can be seen in the prologue.

To kick things off here's a quick quote:

The traveling salesman problem (TSP) asks for the shortest route to visit a collection …